At Health Plus Physio, Physiotherapy session involves the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of physical dysfunction, pain, or mobility issues through a variety of techniques. Your treatment may include, but is not limited to, manual therapy, exercise prescription, Electro-therapy, Super-Inductive System (SIS), acupuncture, and other therapeutic interventions.
Treatment Plan
Your physiotherapist will explain the nature of the condition being treated, and a personalised treatment plan will be designed for you. You are encouraged to ask questions and be actively involved in your treatment decisions.
Potential Benefits
- Relief from pain and discomfort
- Improved mobility and function
- Strengthened muscles and joints
- Prevention of future injuries
Risks and Side Effects
While physiotherapy is generally safe, some risks may include, but are not limited to:
- Temporary soreness or discomfort
- Bruising or swelling
- Muscle spasm or fatigue
- Temporary worsening of symptoms
- Skin irritation from modalities (e.g., electrotherapy or tape)
Your physiotherapist will take all necessary precautions to minimise these risks.
Patient Responsibilities
I agree to provide accurate and complete medical history, including any medications, surgeries, and conditions that may affect my treatment.
I agree to follow the home exercise program or advice provided by the physiotherapist.
I understand that full participation and cooperation are required to achieve the best possible results.
Consent to Treatment
I understand that I have the right to ask questions about my treatment and that I may refuse or discontinue treatment at any time.
I am aware that I may receive multiple treatment modalities, including manual therapy, exercise, electrotherapy, or other techniques as deemed necessary by my physiotherapist.
I understand that physiotherapy does not guarantee specific outcomes and that the results may vary.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Your personal and medical information will remain confidential and will only be shared with other healthcare professionals involved in your care, or as required by law.
Acknowledgement and Consent
I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I have read and understood the above information. I have had the opportunity to ask questions, and all of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I hereby consent to undergo physiotherapy treatment provided by my physiotherapist.
Cancellation Policy
We require a minimum of 24 hours notification of cancellation prior to your scheduled appointment, otherwise a cancellation fee may be incurred. We realise that appointments made in advance can be difficult to remember, so to help you from forgetting we will often confirm with you by email the day before your appointment.
Online Booking